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Menyumbangkan Waktu Luang Komputer untuk Pengobatan Penyakit

Protein Docking

Protein Docking

Netsains.Com - Tidak menggunakan komputer anda untuk sementara waktu? Anda dapat menyumbangkan waktu idle komputer anda kepada riset biomedis lanjutan yang bertujuan untuk menemukan pengobatan untuk HIV, Parkinson, arthritis, dan kanker payudara.

Melalui proyek ‘Docking@Home’ Universitas Delaware, yang dipimpin oleh Michela Taufer, asisten profesor dalam bidang ilmu komputer, dan didukung oleh Yayasan Sains Nasional USA, lebih dari 6000 sukarelawan dari seluruh dunia telah menyumbangkan waktu idle komputer mereka untuk melakukan kalkulasi ilmiah yang akan membantu dalam rangka menciptakan pengobatan baru untuk melawan penyakit-penyakit tersebut.Sebelum obat baru dapat diproduksi untuk pengujian laboratorium, peneliti harus menciptakan model molekuler dan mensimulasi interaksi mereka untuk mengungkapkan kandidat bagi pengobatan efektif. Simulasi tersebut dinamai ‘docking’ , demikian penjelasan Taufer.

Kombinasi molekul dan orientasi situs pengikatan mereka adalah tak terhingga, sehingga melakukan simulasi kombinasi memerlukan daya komputasi yang besar, demikian catatan Taufer. Superkomputer sering memiliki waktu tunggu atau terlalu mahal untuk digunakan dalam waktu panjang. Maka, peneliti akhirnya meminta bantuan sukarelawan, untuk mendistribusikan ratusan ribu task komputasi kepada jumlah banyak komputer. HIV-1 protease bertugas memotong HIV seperti gunting. Jika ilmuwan dapat menginhibis efek ini, maka virus tersebut tidak dapat bereproduksi, kata Taufer.

‘ Pada dasarnya, protein tersebut mengalami kerusakan, dan kami ingin tahu bagaimana molekul kecil dapat memperbaiki perilaku tersebut’, kata dia. Jika molekul pengikatan, yaitu ligan, dijatuhkan pada protein, secara efektif melakukan ‘docking’, ia dapat mengaktifkan atau mendeaktifkan protein tersebut, dan komputer dapat mensimulasi interaksi ini. Saat ini, penelitian ini berada dalam tahap validasi, proses tersebut bertujuan untuk mempelajari obat baru. ‘ Kami mentransformasi proses alamiah menjadi langkah komputas, mengembangkan suatu algorithma’, demikian penjelasan dia.

Menyumbangkan waktu idle komputer untuk melakukan kalkulasi ilmiah hanya memerlukan beberapa langkah sederhana yang dijelaskan pada situs web proyek ( ). Program open source yang gratis, bernama BOINC ( Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing ), dikembangkan oleh Universitas Kalifornia, dan ditautkan pada Server Docking di Universitas Delaware dalam rangka menjadi bagian dari jaringan. Siklus idle komputer akan diakses secara otomatis jika sistim tidak digunakan.

Software BOINC juga digunakan dalam program Komunitas Dunia Grid IBM, yang memfokuskan pada penyakit yang terjadi karena kesalahan pelipatan protein, dan SETI@HOME, yang mencari tanda kehidupan intelejen diluar Bumi. Bahkan, Kevin Kreiser, seorang mahasiswa Doktorat di grup Taufer, telah mengembangkan software untuk ExSciTech (suatu sistim komputasi sukarelawan untuk eksplorasi sains, teknologi, dan kesehatan) yang bisa membuat para sukarelawan menggunakan Nintendo Wii untuk keperluan Docking.

Diterjemahkan dari:

University of Delaware (2009, June 21). Computer Idle? Now You Can Donate Its Time To Find A Cure For Major Diseases.ScienceDaily. Diterima March 29, 2010, from

Sumber gambar:

Dekan Full Vit.

Air Screen

An inflatable movie screen is an inflatable framework with an attached projection screen. Inflatable screens are used for outdoor movies, film festivals, drive-in theaters, sports, social and other events which require outdoor projection.

The frame is typically inflated with the use of a high pressure blower. The blower continues to operate, ensuring the screen remains fully inflated. There are other types of inflatable screens that do not require a permanent inflation as they are virtually airtight and stay inflated without electricity for several days.[1]

In comparison to traditional and heavy steel constructions[2], inflatable screens can be set up only a few hours before the movie is to start and are taken down immediately after the movie screening. This can be ideal for vulnerable environments like parks or botanical gardens[3] and inner city locations with traffic in the daytime.

Inflatable screens reach sizes of up to 135 ft or 40 metres.[4].

[edit] See also

[edit] References

Airscreen, teknologi yang mengalahkan Touchscreen

Sesuai dengan judulnya,kali ini saya akan sedikit membahas tentang teknologi baru yang dinamakan airscreen. Apa itu airscreen? Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan lihat video dibawah ini. (kalo yang koneksinya pas-pasan..silakan buffering dulu :mrgreen: )

Teknologi diatas ditemukan oleh Prof Masatoshi Ishikawa dan Dr Takashi Komuro dari Universitas Tokyo, Jepang. Sebenernya teknologi ini dinamakan vision-based input interface. Dari video di atas, hanya ditunjukkan 1 jari, tetapi sebenarnya sistem ini mampu mengenali 5 jari dan dapat digunakan untuk mengetik pada virtual keyboard, mengklik, zoom, bahkan membuat gambar.

Sebuah cara interaksi yang baru antara manusia dan komputer. Teknologi revolusioner airscreen ini memudahkan manusia untuk lebih mengekspresikan dirinya. Namun, sepertinya butuh waktu transisi untuk beradaptasi ke teknologi ini. Terlihat dari beberapa komentar di situs yang banyak menyatakan kerepotan jika teknologi ini mereka gunakan dan masih bertanya-tanya keuntungan apa yang mereka dapatkan jika beralih dari touchscreen ke airscreen ini. Di sisi lain, komentar-komentar tersebut merupakan masukan yang membangun bagi para developer teknologi ini.

Nah, bagi para pembaca yang ingin menikmati kecanggihan teknologi ini, sepertinya harus sedikit bersabar karena teknologi airscreen ini masih pada tahap pengembangan sehingga belum ada di pasaran. Dan bagi para pembaca yang merasa iri atau terbakar semangatnya (karena kecanggihan bangsa lain), mari segera berkontribusi untuk negeri ini. Tidak perlu menemukan hal yang baru, tetapi dengan melengkapi atau memperbaharui teknologi yang sudah ada, sudah merupakan kontribusi yang besar bagi kehidupan manusia :) .

Semoga dapat memancing kreatifitas Anda. :mrgreen:



R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). The game is a rich and expansive persistent online world, set on the continent of R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud. The land is full of quests to embark upon, from simple to glorious. Friends and enemies will be made and lost, spectacular battles will be fought, and an abundance of unique game features will keep players on the edge of their gaming seats. There are many features of the game that set it apart from more traditional MMORPGs, including:
  • REVENGE: Players who have been slain in-game by another will have their killers automatically recorded on their "Hit List". Once resurrected, the slain can teleport to their killers for a chance at revenge.
  • TOWNSHIP BATTLES: In-game groups - called 'guilds' - have the opportunity to rule each town within R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud. Other guilds may wage civil war with the ruling guild, with the chance to gain control of their own. In addition to treasure & riches, the right to tax all commercial exchanges within the town for one week goes to the winner.
  • BUY & SELL SAFELY: There are several ways in which players can buy and sell goods within the game, including a website specially designed for player-to-player transactions.
Character Classes


Omen of Great Chaos - The Main God Disappears.
Ohn, having created the world, entrusted it to the five lower gods who created races respectively and allowed them to thrive. The first five races to be created--Humans, Giants, Elves, Halflings, and Dark Elves--developed land conferred upon them by the gods with the knowledge and skills acquired from the divinities. Ohn created dragons to station at the borders of each territory, and prevented cultures from blending with each race maintaining autonomous cultures.

Soon thereafter, a serious incident unfolded in the Human kingdom. KrauteDel Lagos usurped the throne upon assassinating the reigning king, his reprobate older brother. Kraute's 13-year reign drew to a close after the late son ousted him with a military subversion.

The prophet Haillok, an assistant to Kraute, left Human territory with a number of Humans, and headed to Bahran Island in northern Rohan Continent. They were the forefathers of the Dhan race.

Thereafter, peace ensued for a time. All races erected countries and constructed capitals perpetuating growth. In the Human kingdom, the Paladin system was institutionalized rooted in devout faith, and Giants cultivated warriors to protect their motherland from harsh nature. Elves trained in magic healing and spearheaded cultural development, and Halflings opened the path to cohabitation by living among animals. Dark Elves maximized magic power as a means of self-defense. Perfecting such autonomous cultures respectively, each race would ostensibly exist in quietude.

One Privy to the Truth - Turns Sword at the Gods.
With the dragons gone from obstructing territorial borders, the Human kingdom led an exploration and investigation of foreign territories. Human envoys visited the capital of every race, and interracial diplomacy with Humans as principals was launched. In the interim, Dekans, having settled in Bahran island and amassed power, encountered Dhans who'd settled in the island earlier. Upon the unanticipated encounter, the two races clashed escalating to all-out war terminating with an armistice only after a decade of profound destruction.

Having realized main god Ohn cannot be resurrected by merely obliterate the dragons, the five lower gods decide to annihilate all races on the continent and implement their intent. While countless animals and plants metamorphosed into monsters, fairies and a number of races, acting on the gods' orders, began to wage attack on the major continental races. Even in the midst of such turmoil interracial diplomacy continued and between Humans and Elves, two races who grew relatively close, the mixed-race Half Elves were born. Half Elves, who were looked askance at by both Humans and Elves ultimately were unable to dwell in either country. Instead, they sought a quiet refuge by constructing an independent village located between the two nations. Harboring profound animosity against both Humans and Elves, they cultivated their power with an independent character not relying on anyone.

In the meantime, paladins standing guard at Gratt Fortress, built to deter attacks, had a chance to encounter Roha, the god of the Human race. Having learned the intent of the gods to annihilate all races, paladins pleaded to Roha to retract the decision, but were possessed by Roha instead. Edwin, a paladin able to resist possession, roamed the continent, assembled colleagues and mounted resistance against the gods to no avail.

Jealousy and Wrath - Darkness Shrouds the Continent
Their failure, unforgotten, began to propagate among the masses along with the truth. The rumor reached far and wide by way of hushed whispers. The gods have abandoned the world. The gods have turned their backs on all races. The gods are trying to obliterate life as we know it. Fear grew pervasive and ultimately, suspicion and wrath latent in the hearts of all organisms surfaced throwing the world into deeper turmoil.Beholding the world growing increasingly murky, Elf Queen Sila Mayor Regenon dispatched urgent messengers to all races to propose a round of peace talks.However, only Humans and Halflings appeared at the roundtable."

Dark Elves, vexed by the passive and weak temperament of the Elves, and Giants, chafed by preeminent Human prowess, brokered a clandestine alliance to drive Humans and Elves out of the continent. With only three nations, Elves, Humans and Halflings having entered into peace accords, the Giants' premier extends a hand to Half Elves who've been maintaining a neutral stance. In the interim, Dhans and Dekans, on standby upon declaring a truce, kept each other in check while observing continental maneuvers. But with the continental atmosphere escalating to impending warfare, and monsters emerging on Bahran Island, the two races were forced into cooperation.

With time passing, the world grew bogged deeper in a murky inferno, and all races unwittingly engaged in strife against all other races.To those who have not abandoned hope on the gods, those prepared to fight albeit waiting for a change of heart on the gods' end, and to the ones willing to fight as long as survival was ensured, the advent of an era of misery and darkness was dawning.

The era of yearning for fertile earth and prosperous life in the name of divinity has passed and the last inheritance of the earth ensconced in the abandoned land emerges from all corners. Now, it is time to till the earth with our own hands and wield tools to realize prosperity. Gathering Ohn’s blessings, we retaliate against the rage of the lower gods!

When the five lower gods, created by central god Ohn, spawned their own respective races, Ohn learned the appearance of those creatures were less than perfect, unlike his creations. Humans would vanish into thin air if the balance of the five powers conferred upon the five lower gods were upset. Ohn, deeming human life pitiable, extended his hands to land’s end and newly created grass, trees and rocks. Replicas of primordial nature, human effort could transform them into sturdy and utilitarian tools to enrich human life.

While most lower gods were moved by Ohn’s gesture to fill the fissures of imperfection lurking in the fibers of their creations, Roha, God of the Sun, demurred alleging the marriage of human intellect and Ohn’s gift is sufficient to pose material threat to the lower gods and argued that the natural resources must be usurped albeit to no avail. Abundant natural resources created by Ohn ultimately sowed the seeds for rapid continental growth, and mortal races waxed sufficiently powerful to present a threat to divine decisions.

Upon central god Ohn’s demise being torn asunder, Sun God Roha, the highest ranked of the lower gods, ordered Silva, Goddess of the Wind, to perpetuate decay of natural resources potentially threatening to the lower gods, and commanded Gail, God of the Land, to render the earth barren. However, as Silva grew increasingly depleted of her powers, concealed natural resources began to resurface one by one in all corners of the continent. As the shrewd races of R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud detected the resurgence, collection and production techniques, having fallen latent for more than a century, were being roused from darkness. Now what utilitarian form the earth’s inheritance will assume and impale the lower gods hinges on human acumen.